

For protection against all extreme weather conditions to prevent mortality, depressed appetite, loss of weight, egg production loss, decreased egg shell quality & egg size, poor fertility in male parent birds etc. As supportive therapy during coccidiosis treatment.


• BEATSTRESS Reduces heat stressed increased temp. up-to 3%  regulates body temp.

• BEATSTRESS retains water  electrolyte balance in cells, prevents dehydration.

• BEATSTRESS gives cool/pleasant sensation by activating oral mucosa sensory
cold receptors.

• BEATSTRESS reduces pH of blood plasma  maintains acid base balance.

•BEATSTRESS helps to maintain intestinal / gut integrity during coccidiosis
disease challenge supportive during treatment. 

•BEATSTRESS helps birds feel relaxed.

• Reduces panting rate up to 18% per minutes within 2 hours of use.