Each 100 ml Contains:
Vitamin A 45000 I.U.
Vitamin D3 8000 I.U.
Vitamin B12 100 mcg
Calcium 1628 mg
Phosphorus 838.5 mg
Enriched with α-Tocopherol & Biotin
For debilitated and emaciated animal to prevent haematuria, rickets, milk-fever and improve health & production. To improve milk production and quality there by improving fat content of milk. For preventing cage fatigues and improving egg shell quality and production of layers birds. To control lameness and improving skeletal and muscular strength in broilers.
- Increases milk production as well as fat level in milk.
- Prevents milk fever, rickets & haematuria.
- Improves skeletal and muscular strength.
- Increases disease resistance.
- Reduces reproductive problems.
- Improves better udder & hoof health as well as skin coat condition.
- Non caking remains stable suspension.
Cow, Buffalo & Horse: 100 ml Daily.
Calf, Foal & Pig: 40 ml Daily.
Sheep, Goat & Dog: 20 ml Daily.
Poultry (For each 100 birds):
Chicks: 10 ml Daily
Growers & Broilers: 20 ml Daily
Layers & Breeders: 50 ml Daily