LTP Ultra

• Lowers litter pH
• Eliminates ammonia
• Reduces bacteria & pests
• Extends litter use
• Safe to Environment as organic components used are biodegradable
To improve over all bird performance by controlling ammonia, reducing bacterial & fungal load of poultry litter and also insect larva found in poultry litter. To significantly reduce clean-out cost & fresh litter purchase cost by reutilizing LTP ULTRA used built-up litter.
- Safely lowers untreated poultry litter pH from 8.0-9.0 down to 2.5-4.0 pH.
- Acidified litter does not allow growth of disease causing litter pathogens & insect larva so Stops stunt growth, disease & mortality.
- Helps in feed efficiency as birds use energy to gain weight instead of fighting off disease challenges.
- Built-up litter may be reused to significantly reduce clean-out cost & fresh litter purchase cost.
- Converts litter ammonia into a safe & effective fertilizer / litter manure.
- Can be used as boot / shoe bath in tray at farm entrances to prevent harmful pathogens to entering into farm.
Do not use Lime Powder / Quicklime / Slaked Lime (Calcium Hydroxide [Ca(OH)2] in poultry litter which are highly alkaline in nature and may neutralize action of LTP Ultra.