
Each ml has nutritional value of :-
Vitamin A IP ….......…………………. 12,000 I.U. (as vitamin A palmitate)
Vitamin D3 IP ……........……………… 6,000 I.U.
Vitamin E IP …….........…………………. 48 mg.
Vitamin B12 IP …..........…………………. 20 mcg.
For stimulation of natural immunity & essential for normal growth & development.
• Improves weight of bursa, spleen & thymus thereby enhances immunity.
• Maintains Immunity & Health.
• Increase antibody production & promote immunity after vaccination.
• Enhances overall performance & Production.
• Facilitates faster recovery from stress & diseases of all types.
• Prevents production fluctuation.
• Improves growth, fertility & hatchability.
• Acts as an anti-oxident & protects cells from free radicals assault.