Sokriya W.S.

Each 100g Contains:
Didecyldimethyl ammonium chloride .................. 7g
- Bactericidal against ( E.coli, Salmonella sp., Haemophilus sp., Pasteurella sp. etc )
- Fungicidal
- Virustatic
- Well established safety
- Free from aldehyde
- Free from offending odours
Ideally Suited For
- Rapid and effective sanitization of drinking water for Poultry, Aquaculture, Livestock.
- To prevent water borne infections of bacterial and fungal origin .
- To reduce the chances of water borne infections of viral origin.
POULTRY AND LIVESTOCK- Add 1 ml of SOKRIYA-W.S. in 10L or 500 ml in 5,000 L of drinking water daily. Avoid using SOKRIYA-W.S. treated water when vaccines are administered in drinking water.
Aquaclture - Add 5-10 L of SOKRIYA-W.S. in one hectare pond with an average depth of 1 meter OR at the rate of 0.5 to 1 ppm OR 0.5 ml to 1ml in 1000 L of water.
For effective distribution, dilute the required quantity of SOKRIYA-W.S. ten times with water and apply in different parts of pond.